Thank you for your interest in Ambler Art Group.
Ambler Art Group + WJC Design is a luxury wall decor company with two distinct art lines.
This site hosts product for Ambler Art Group - our extensive line of framed reproduction prints. Please log in to browse our Ambler Art line or if you are a brand new customer, please register for access.
Please note we have moved this site to a new platform. If you are an existing customer, you should have recently received an activation email to get your account updated and active on this new platform. If you do not see this email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder. Follow the prompts in the email to set up your account password. Once you activate your account, you will be able to log in and browse.
Please join us at WJCDesign.com if you are looking for any of our three-dimensional products including our Grand Tour Intaglios, Coastal Collection, Selenite, and more. Please note that the two websites do have separate log ins.